Government Contracting Trends for 2020

February 8, 2021

The beginning of the decade is a great time for small business owners to get their hands on lucrative government contracts. The Small Business Administration has changed the rules on how to measure what qualifies as a small business. The 2018 Small Business Runway Extension Act will increase the period of measuring annual revenue from three to five years when the business is being evaluated for government contracts. This means a lot more businesses will qualify for small business set-asides. In fact, nearly a quarter of all government contracts have gone to small businesses in the last five years.

So What Are The Top Areas For Government Contracting?

Here at Sam Directory, we have comprised a list of the hottest areas for contracting with the government in 2020. We want to be one of your main resources for information about this profitable area of business.

Cloud Computing

More and more companies are doing away with having local servers and personal devices to handle modern software applications. Now more than ever, companies are relying on cloud computing to maintain multiple copies of the data to mitigate instances of security threats, data loss, and data breach.

The government is no exception. They understand that cloud computing will lower costs significantly and help them manage their data more efficiently. Small businesses that understand how to utilize cloud computing should be in a very good position to cash in on this new wave of data management architecture.

Cyber Security

As the world becomes increasingly higher-tech, security breaches are more likely to be in data management than on the battlefields. It is very important for the government to stay several steps ahead of those who wish to exploit undiscovered vulnerabilities in our systems. This is why cybersecurity will be a very lucrative area for government contractors. This is particularly true in 2020, which will be an election year. Cybersecurity will be used to protect voter databases and voting machines.

Cybersecurity is also going to be a big part of government protection when it comes to cyberattacks on supply chains. Contractors that can help manage these constant threats to government security will be in high demand.

The Department Of Health And Human Services

The Department of Health and Human Services states its mission “Is to enhance the health and well-being of all Americans, by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services” This is an agency whose need has only increased due to the current pandemic of Covid-19.

This agency is a great contracting source for small businesses that provide healthcare services and products. Go to for more information. This agency also does a lot of partnerships, so it is a great way for a small business to get their foot in the door with many other types of government agencies.

Streamlining and Modernizing Information Technology

Did you know that the Internal Revenue Service, the Veteran’s Affairs Department, Defense Department, and the Transportation Department are operating on computer systems that are over 50 years old? Some are still using 1970 IBM mainframe computers that store information on floppy disks!

This has caused the government to pass the Modernizing Government Technology Act, also known as the MGT. The MGT has authorized that 100 hundred million dollars be allocated to modernizing the federal government Information Technology systems in 2018. Then another 150 million dollars were added to the MGT in 2019. The Consolidated Appropriations Act also then added billions of dollars to upgrade the government’s I.T. systems and update infrastructure.

So small businesses that can help the government reduce redundancies, save money, and streamline government technology have a great chance of obtaining very profitable government contracts in 2020 and beyond.

2020 Is A Big Election Year

The beginning of this decade will decide a presidential election, one-third of the seats in the senate, and 435 seats in the House of Representatives. This does not even take into account all the local and state-level elections that will be going on across the country.

This will be a giant boon for small businesses that can provide the equipment and supplies necessary to make sure all these elections run smoothly. Homeland security alone will be spending 425 million dollars to help protect voting security and privacy.

Air And Missile Defense Innovation

The United States Army has big plans for developing its air and missile defense system to be one of the best in the world. Lieutenant General James H. Dickinson, commanding general of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command, said, “Our vision is that the AMD force of 2028 will provide the combatant commanders with a flexible, agile, and integrated AMD force capable of executing multi-domain operations.”

The army is particularly interested in modernizing its radar technologies. This is a fantastic opportunity for innovative small businesses to step up to the plate and help the army build some new prototypes. The army is very open to working closely with new businesses in order to develop key technologies that will streamline operations in the future.


Blockchain allows for the distribution of data on multiple platforms at the same time. It grows as a new set of recordings, referred to as blocks, are added to it. All the blocks contain timestamp information linking it to previous blocks, thus creating a chain. This allows for no data block to be altered without the alteration of all the blocks that came before it.

The government is interested in blockchain data management because it is decentralized and allows for more security for transactions. This usually also means that operating costs can be lower. The United States government became interested in blockchain technology in 2016 and it should be a very lucrative avenue for many small businesses. 

Innovation OTS is a five-year program that will continue in 2020. It aims to provide opportunities for nontraditional government contractors to work with the Department of Homeland Security developing new technologies to address upcoming threats. In 2020,  small business contractors can take advantage of Innovation OTS to form government partnerships and provide innovative technologies.

Infrastructure Construction

There are at least 21 billion dollars allocated for infrastructure spending by the federal government. The United States is a vast land of highways, roads, bridges, and dams. All of these structures need to be constantly maintained for safety and to fuel a strong vibrant economy. The country also needs to construct new infrastructure in order to keep up with the needs of a growing population.

These types of large infrastructure projects take years to complete and will be a viable source of revenue for many types of small businesses. The United States government will be needing supplies, labor, and services for these projects for many years to come.

Let Sam Directory Help Lead You On The Path to Success

Before you can begin bidding for these amazing government opportunities, you have to register with the SAM directory. This can often be a daunting task. Let us register your business for you, so your company can have a bright future as a government contractor.